Quad City
In-Fisherman Club
Just another tournament club?
NO! The Quad City In-Fisherman Club does not have tournaments. We fish for fun and relaxation. We host family-friendly fishing outings with our club members, usually within the local Quad Cities area. We also enjoy getting together to try out new equipment/techniques and teach members and their families all about fishing.
Besides monthly fishing outings (weather permitting) we host an annual fish fry (with fish cooked and supplied by our members) and an annual Christmas party for members and their families.
Our commitment to the community
As one of the five managing non-profit organizations that make up the Quad City Conservation Alliance (QCCA), Quad City In-Fisherman Inc, is dedicated to giving back to the community. We are proud to serve the Quad Cities and surrounding area in supporting outdoor education and conservation.

Supported projects include:
Assisting with funding and building fishing piers at West Lake Park in Scott County, Iowa.
Hosting an annual West Lake Fish Clinic in coordination with the Iowa DNR and Scott County Park Board to introduce and expose hundreds of young people to the sport of fishing each year.
Contributing annually to the Galesburg, Buffalo, Bettendorf, and Rock Island fish clinics.
Support to the financing and construction of the Wapsi River Environmental Education Center.
Provided financial support to multiple agencies for the purchase of equipment such as backhoes, electric-shockers, GPS units, computer software, and tracking equipment to be used in the preservation of fishing.